

I have 4 family members. 错误
There have 4 family members in my family. 错误
There are 4 of us in my family. 正确

  1. I come from a big/small family.
  2. I was an only child.
  3. I was one of 3 siblings.
  4. There was a lot of sibling rivalry in my family.在我的家庭中存在很多兄弟姐妹之间的竞争。
  5. Nuclear family(核心家庭) = parents and their children
  6. Extended family 包括其他的亲戚的大家庭
  7. My brother/sister and I are like 2 peas in a pod.我和我的兄弟/姐妹就像两个豌豆在一颗豆荚里一样。
  8. My brother and I are like chalk and cheese.(像粉笔和奶酪,非常不一样)
  9. We have our ups and downs.我们有起有落。
  10. We don’t always see eye to eye.我们并不总是意见一致。
  11. Sometimes, we fall out but then we make up.有时,我们闹翻了,但随后我们弥补了。
  12. we are a close family.
  13. We are a tight knit family.我们是一个紧密结合的大家庭。
  14. We are a tightly knit family.
  15. My family is everything to me.我的家人对我来说就是一切。
  16. I love them to bits.我爱他们的每个部分。
  17. I love my family to bits. 我爱我的家庭的每一个部分。
  18. My family mean the world to me.

  1. As a parent, I try not to be overprotective.
  2. I don’t want to spoil my children.
  3. I try not to spoon feed them.(用勺子喂他们,代替他们,为他们做一切事情)
  4. I fell for her instantly.我立刻爱上了她。
  5. We just clicked.“我们只是点击”意味着你和另一个人相处得很好。当某些东西卡入到位时,它会组合在一起。所以有了这句话,你和另一个人相处得很好,就像你被生来就适合在一起一样。
  6. To click = to get on well
  7. We’ve grown to love each other over time.
  8. We’ve grown closer and closer over the years.
  9. Blood is thicker than water = family is more important than friends.




单词行 34: list -> least (最少的)
单词行 36: illego -> illegal (非法的)
单词行 37: immume -> immune (免疫的)
单词行 39: imposible -> impossible (不可能的)
单词行 40: inacurate -> inaccurate (不准确的)
单词行 41: inadequte -> inadequate (不充分的)
单词行 42: indevisial -> individual (个人的)
单词行 43: industry -> industrial (工业的)
单词行 44: imformative -> informative (有益的)
单词行 46: inpirain -> inspiring (鼓舞人心的)
单词行 48: intelligence -> intelligent (聪明的)
单词行 50: intesting -> interesting (有趣的)
单词行 51: intermediet -> intermediate (中级的)
单词行 54: inregular -> irregular (不规则的)
单词行 55: inrretable -> irritable (易怒的)
单词行 56: isolatide -> isolated (孤立的)
单词行 60: littleknown -> little-known (鲜为人知的)

In a world where resources were at least partially renewable, 在一个资源至少部分可再生的世界里,
illegal activities threatened to disrupt the fragile balance. 非法活动威胁着打破脆弱的平衡。

The immune system of the planet, once considered impossible to breach, was under attack. 星球的免疫系统,曾被认为是不可能被攻破的,如今正受到攻击。

The inaccurate and inadequate information about this threat led to panic and chaos among the individual members of society. 关于这一威胁的不准确和不充分的信息导致了社会个体成员之间的恐慌和混乱。

Industrial advancements, once considered informative and inspiring, were now viewed as a potential risk to the intelligent life on the planet. 工业进步,曾被认为是有益和鼓舞人心的,现在被认为是对星球上聪明生物的潜在风险。

Despite the interesting and intermediate nature of these developments, the governing bodies saw the need for a new approach. 尽管这些发展具有有趣且中等的性质,但统治机构认为有必要采取新的方法。

As a response to the irregular and irritable events happening around the world, they sought the help of the most isolated and little-known beings in the universe. 作为对世界各地发生的不规则和易怒事件的回应,他们寻求了宇宙中最孤立和鲜为人知的生物的帮助。

These beings, known as the Solarians, possessed unique abilities to neutralize and restore the damage caused by the illegal activities. 这些被称为太阳系居民的生物,拥有独特的能力来中和和修复非法活动造成的破坏。

The Solarians arrived on Earth, intrigued by the challenges faced by the intelligent life forms they had never encountered before. 太阳系居民抵达地球,对他们以前从未遇到过的智慧生命形式所面临的挑战感到好奇。

They observed the world with their little-known, superior technology, and devised a plan to combat the industrial chaos that had befallen the planet. 他们用鲜为人知的高级技术观察这个世界,并制定了一个计划来对抗降临在这个星球上的工业混乱。

Working alongside Earth’s finest minds, the Solarians employed their inspiring and innovative techniques to counter the negative effects of pollution and resource depletion. 与地球上最优秀的头脑共同努力,太阳系居民运用他们鼓舞人心和创新的技术来抵消污染和资源枯竭的负面影响。

In time, the collaboration between the two intelligent species proved fruitful, and the Earth began to heal. 随着时间的推移,两个智慧物种之间的合作取得了成果,地球开始痊愈。

The impossible task of restoring the planet’s immune system had been achieved, and the Earth’s inhabitants were forever grateful to their newfound interstellar friends. 恢复地球免疫系统的不可能任务已经实现,地球的居民永远感激他们新发现的星际朋友。

Through this partnership, the world discovered the true value of unity, cooperation, and understanding, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come. 通过这种伙伴关系,世界发现了团结、合作和理解的真正价值,确保了未来几代人更美好的未来。