
accommodation住宿 : a room or building in which you stay during holidays or live. While I’m travelling, my favourite types of accommodation are hotels.

all holiday失去了工作后的时间: a time after you lost your job. He lost his job yesterday. Now it’s all holiday for him.

all-inclusive: a hotel deal where the price includes accommodation, meals and drinks at any time. I’ve never thought that hotels with all-incusive service are so comfortable! You can grab a piece of cake at 6 a.m. or get a cocktail at midnight.
half-board: if you request ‘half-board’ at a hotel, breakfast and dinner would be included in the hotel price (as part of the package). John and Lily liked their tour with half-board service. They spent breakfasts and dinners in the hotel and bought lunches in the nearby cafes.
full-board: if you request ‘full-board’ at a hotel, that would include all three meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in the price of your accommodation.
self-catering: a holiday deal where meals are not provided. Mary thinks that self-catering is neither pleasant nor efficient.


  1. All-inclusive(全包):这是一种酒店预订选项,通常包括住宿费用以及提供的所有餐饮和部分额外服务。一般来说,全包包括早餐、午餐、晚餐和各种饮料(包括酒精饮料)。此外,全包还可能包括一些额外的活动、设施和娱乐项目,如水上运动、健身房、夜间娱乐等。全包酒店通常以一个固定的价格提供全面的服务,客人可以无需支付额外费用就能享受酒店提供的各项服务和设施。

  2. Half-board(半食宿):这是一种酒店预订选项,通常包括住宿费用和一部分餐饮服务。半食宿通常包括早餐和晚餐,但不包括午餐。客人在预订时只需支付住宿费用以及早餐和晚餐的费用,午餐需另外付费。半食宿适合那些希望在一天的某些时间自由选择餐饮的客人,例如可以在外面用午餐或探索当地美食。

  3. Full-board(全食宿):这是一种酒店预订选项,通常包括住宿费用以及提供的所有三餐。全食宿包括早餐、午餐和晚餐,客人无需额外支付餐饮费用。全食宿适合那些希望在整个行程中无忧享受餐饮服务的客人,无需考虑外出用餐的安排和费用。

  4. Self-catering(自助式):这是一种酒店预订选项,提供自助式的住宿和餐饮安排。在自助式预订中,客人通常租用一间带有设备齐全的厨房或小型厨房的住所,例如公寓、别墅或度假屋。客人可以自行购买食物和杂货,使用厨房设备自己准备餐点。这意味着客人负责自己的餐饮,包括购买食材、烹饪和清洁等。自助式适合那些希望有更大的灵活性和自主权来安排自己的餐饮的客人。


to book (something): to arrange and confirm a place on a flight, a room in a hotel or a ticket for an event in the future. If you book your plane tickets in advance, they will be much cheaper.
breathtaking view: an amazing view. I’ve seen many breathtaking views during my journey to Paris.
busman's holiday: when you spend your free time similarly to the time when you work. This expression comes from the idea that a bus driver would spend his holiday traveling somewhere on a bus. Unfortunately, many people spend a busman’s holiday nowadays.

charter flight包机;包机航班: a cheap regular flight. Due to our modest budget, we had to take a charter-flight.一趟包机航班可以在成本上更具效益,特别适用于团体:对于旅行团、运动队或整个公司的员工,包机航班通常比定期航班更便宜。航班上的个性化设计:在航班上,您可以享受免费的座位安排、个性化的餐饮要求和品牌推广选择。

check-in desk登记柜台: the place at the airport where you register for your flight and deposit your luggage.是机场或酒店等场所提供给旅客办理登机手续或办理入住手续的专用柜台。

far-off destination: a distant place. Australia is a far-off destination, nonetheless I want to visit it.

getting away from it all远离一切: escaping in order to rest from a daily routine. After I passed my exams, I wanted to get away from it all for at least a couple of days.

go off the beaten track:意思是离开常规或常见的路线或方式,探索不寻常或未被人熟知的地方或经历。 to visit an uncommon place. Unlike my brother, I prefer to go off the beaten track.

guided tour有导游的游览: a tour in which a group of people is guided by an expert. Guided tours are a great way to learn about different places of interest.

head for: go in a direction for. I’m heading for France for my next holidays.我计划前往法国度过我的下一个假期。

holiday brochure假日指南: a publication with details of holiday. Our guide gave us a great brochure about our hotel.

holiday destination: where you go for a holiday. We chose New York as our holiday destination for the next summer.

holiday of a lifetime: a very special holiday, once in a lifetime. Last year me and my family had a holiday of a lifetime in Italy.

holiday resort (tourist resort)度假胜地(旅游胜地): a place where lots of people go for a holiday. Last year my family went on a journey to London. We lived in a great tourist resort.

hordes of tourists成群结队的游客: crowds of tourists. Hordes of tourist can be seen during summer near the city park.

in the middle of nowhere在遥远偏僻处: in a place that is far away from where most people live. My grand-mother lives in the middle of nowhere, but she loves her old little village.

local crafts当地工艺品: thighs made in the region. My sister bought some amazing local crafts on her trip to India.

out of season表示不处于某个特定季节、时期或最繁忙的时段: not within the main holiday period. I decided to go on a journey with my friends out of season.不在主要节日期间。我决定在淡季和朋友们一起去旅行。

passport control: a place where you get your passport checked. I spent a few hours waiting in line on a passport control.

package tour: a holiday at a fixed price in which the travel company arranges your travel, hotels, and sometimes meals for you: We bought a cheap package tour to Italy and stayed in a big hotel by the sea.

picturesque village: a nice, beautiful village. My grandparents live in a picturesque village.

places of interest: memorable and honorable places. My native city has a variety of places of interest.

short break: a little holiday. My father had a short break this year, I hope he’ll be able to relax some more.

stunning landscape令人惊叹的风景: a beautiful countryside. Stunning landscapes are only one of many reasons why I want to visit Africa.

to go sightseeing: to go visiting sights of interest. Today we went sightseeing with my friends.

to travel on foot / horse When I’m in a small town I prefer to travel on foot.

to travel by bus / plane / car / bicycle / motorcycle Although I usually travel by car, when I decided to visit Paris I had to travel by plane.

tourist attractions旅游景点: places which tourists tend to visit. Despite not being a tourist attraction, new fountain is very popular among the locals.

tourist trap敲游客竹杠的地方: place with many tourists. We’ve visited many tourists traps lately.

travel agency旅行社: a shop that specializes in booking holidays. I’ve bought tickets for my trip through a travel agency.

wildlife safari野生动物狩猎: an observational holiday, mainly in Africa. I’d love to go on a wildlife safari sometime.

youth hostel青年招待所: a cheap hotel. During our trip we stayed in a hostel, because we didn’t have enough money for a hotel.