

To put your foot in it说错话
= To say something that accidentally upsets someone, or embarasses them.

We use idioms …
to get attention
for humour


two peas in a pod如出一辙,极其相似
They are like two peas in a pod!

A metaphor is
…using a word / phrase saying something is something else


He is as sharp as a knife!
= he is very clever / intelligent


He is not the sharpest tool in the shed!
= he is not very clever / intelligent

the nitty gritty细枝末节,具体细节

= the important details



She’s big-boned = She’s fat
She’s getting on a bit = She’s old
You could say, she is vertically challenged = She’s short

challenged (委婉说法)伤残的,有残疾的;

Nothing ventured, nothing gained = if you don’t try or take risks, you won’t succeed
Where there’s a will, there’s a way = if you really want to do something, you can
Once bitten, twice shy


…tend to have a moral message, or a warning or some kind of advice.

descript other people

  1. To be the spitting image of ____
    = to look exactly the same as ____

  2. To be a loose canon…行为不受拘束,举止失控
    = to say things (often bad) without thinking or realising it

  3. To get carried away情绪高涨,失去分寸,被冲昏头脑
    = to talk a lot without realising you are talking too much

  4. It runs in the family
    = it’s a characteristic of most people in that family
    Many members of my family are artists.
    Art runs in the family
    Being an artist runs in the family.
    The artistic spirit runs in the family.
    The entrepreneurial spirits runs in his family.

  5. As bright as a button
    = very clever / intelligent

  6. To think on your feet
    = To think quickly and improvise.

  7. a bosom friend
    = a close friend

  8. To go back a long way
    = We’ve known each other a long time

  9. To known somenone like the back of your hand
    = to know someone very well

  10. to hit it off
    = to get on / get along very well with someone

  11. straight away = immediately

  12. to see eye to eye
    = to agree

  13. A men / women after your own heart
    = You think in a similar way / you admire that person’s way of thinking
    You are a man after my own heart.

  14. second to none
    The food in Spain is second to none.
    When it comes to cooking, she is second to one.

  15. To go out on a limb
    = to take a risk and do something you think is right

  16. To be highly strung
    = to be nervous and easily upset.

  17. To be a know-it-all
    = someone who thinks they know everything

  18. To suffer fools gladly
    = to tolerate stupid people
    She doesn’t suffer fools gladly
    = She doesn’t like stupid people

  19. To come down on you like a ton of bricks.
    = punish you quickly and severely

  20. To be set in your ways
    = to not like change
