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30分钟,正确率 11/14 https://ieltscat.xdf.cn/practice/result/read/6815/997DF09AD870B838
8分钟,正确率 13/14 https://ieltscat.xdf.cn/practice/result/read/6815/75E27D0F1043ADB4


quartet 四重奏
quintet 五重奏;五个一组
pervasive 普遍的
syndrome 综合症状;典型表现;典型意见
captainity 船长
multipilot 多飞行员
overbearing = dominant 专横的; 飞扬跋扈的
speak up 大声说;公开表态
take chances 冒险
social proof 社会认同
interchange 互换(思想)
giving credit to = (also give someone the credit) to say that someone deserves praise, approval, or honour for something they have done
hard-wired to 可以翻译为 “天生注定“ 或 “本能驱使“,意思是某人或某物因为天性或本能而做某事。这种表达常用于描述某种无法轻易改变的行为或反应,就像电路被“硬连接”一样固定不变。
“peer” 在此处指的是 “同龄人” 或 “同辈”,即与自己地位、职位、年龄相似的人。在句子中,”peer power” 指的是同事或同辈之间的影响力。

  • Peer 指的是“同辈”或“同龄人”,通常指地位、职位或资历相当的人。它不仅限于工作环境,还可以在任何社交、学术或专业场合使用。
  • Colleague 专指“同事”,即与你在同一个工作场所或组织中的人,主要在职业或工作环境中使用。


“taps into” 是一种比喻性的表达,意思是 “利用” 或 “挖掘”。它指的是有效使用某种资源、力量或潜力。在句子中,“teamwork taps into” 表示团队合作在利用或激发某种驱动力。
Pervasivecommon 都可以描述某事物的普遍存在,但它们的侧重点和使用场合有所不同:

  1. Pervasive: 强调某事物广泛渗透、无处不在,通常带有某种事物难以避免或不容易摆脱的感觉。它经常用于描述某种影响或现象在各个方面都能被感知到,带有一种“渗透性”的语感。例如:

    • “Technology has become pervasive in our daily lives.” (科技已经渗透到了我们日常生活的各个方面)
    • “A pervasive sense of anxiety filled the room.” (一种弥漫的焦虑感充斥着整个房间)

    Pervasive 更强调事物的“广泛扩展”以及它难以避免的特性。

  2. Common: 则更中性,表示某事物经常发生、普遍存在,通常指人们经常看到、经历或拥有的东西。它不带有渗透性或扩展性的暗示,仅仅表示频率或普遍性。例如:

    • “It is common to see people using smartphones.” (看到人们使用智能手机是很常见的)
    • “This is a common mistake.” (这是一个常见的错误)

    Common 侧重于事物的普遍性和常见性,通常不带负面或强烈的影响。


  • Pervasive 强调某事物广泛渗透、弥漫,常带有无法忽视或难以摆脱的意味。
  • Common 强调事物的普遍性和常见性,更中立,表示某事物经常发生或存在。


In the last paragraph, the writer suggests that it is important for employees to
答案: B. feel that their contributions are valued.

本题的解题位置非常明确,位于文章最后一段。题目同的是,从员工的角度讲什么是重要的,因此需要在段落中找到和员工有关的内容。本段说到Leaders should encourage everyone to contribute and simultaneously assure all concerned that every recommendation is important to making the right decision and will be given full attention,从中可以看到encourage everyone to contribute, every recommendation is important, be given full attention这些信息,也就是说员工感到自己在组织中受到重视,因此本题答案为B。


If people are aware of what they might lose, they will often ()
答案: A. take changes

本题问到人们意识到他们可能蒙受损失时会有怎样的反应,首先在文中第四段可以看到Managers should therefore adopt an approach that appears counterintuitive-they should explain what stands to be lost if the company fails to seize a particular opportunity. Studies show that we invariably take more gambles when threatened with a loss than when offered a reward, 这两句话中分别出现了lost和lose,通过分析句子可以看出第二句中we…when threatened with a loss与题目中的信息一致,因此we invariably take more gambles就是人们通常会采取的行为,在选项中寻找“冒险”这一含义,可以看到A选项中take chances符合要求,因此本题答案为A。


A manager’s approval of an idea is more persuasive than that of a colleague.
答案: N

本题目就管理者对观点的评价和同事对观点的评价进行了比较,需要首先找到相关的信息并判断是否有这种比较,文章第七段提到了social proof,并举了一个例子,说明可以通过同事的帮助来解决问题,这是为了突出来自同事的评价,而在本段最后一句则说到peer power, used horizontally not vertically, is much more powerful than any boss’s speech,可见题目中提到的两者之间是存在比较关系的,因此本题不是NOT GIVEN,并且题目中所说的比较关系与原文呈现的内容相反,因此本题答案为NO。

原文: Research shows that peer power, used horizontally not vertically, is much more powerful than any bosss speech.


23分钟,正确率7/14 https://ieltscat.xdf.cn/practice/result/read/6911/6EE7E7020FA9FF5D
24分钟,正确率10/14 https://ieltscat.xdf.cn/practice/result/read/6911/A6D5C0CBC8DF1106


facsimiles 摹本;复制本;传真本;摹写
deterred from 阻止;制止;使不敢
Evidently 显然
sheer 存粹的
realistically 实事求是
emerge 浮现
high-fidelity 高保真度
less in awe of them 对他们不那么敬畏
too much to ask要求过分; 要求太过分
establishment 机构;企业
fine art 美术
reprographic 复制品
displacement 取代
in harmony with意思是“与…….协调、一致”


But they do not go to museums to read original manuscripts of novels, perhaps because the availability of novels has depended on ()for so long, and also because with novels, the underlying ideas are the most important thing.
答案: mass production


However, in historical times artists such as Leonardo were happy to instruct () to to produce copies of their work and these days new methods of reproduction allow excellent replication of surface relief features as well as colour and ()

答案: assistants


The writer mentions London’s National Gallery to illustrate
答案: C the negative effect a museum can have on visitors’ opinions of themselves.


定位词:London’s National Gallery





本题首先可以通过题目中的London’s National Gallery在原文中确定考查区域,之后在这一信息所在的第六段中,分析London’s National Gallery出现的目的。通过上下文的分析,可以看到由于艺术品展出的形式以及其价值,参观者会对自身产生负面的感觉,也就是本段最后一句中的”worthlessness”这与C项中的表达一致。因此本题答案为C。


According to the writer, the ‘displacement effect’ on the visitor is caused by
答案: A. the variety of works on display and the way they are arranged.


The approach of art historians conflicts with that of art museums.
答案: N
定位词:approach, art historians, art museums

本题问的是艺术史学家的方法和艺术博物馆的方法是否矛盾。艺术史学家的方法在文章第十段有明确的表述: Consequently, the dominant critical approach becomes that of the art historian, a specialised academic approach devoted to ‘discovering the meaning’ of art within the cultural context of is time, 后文接着说: This is in perfect harmony with the museum’s function,其中in harmony with意思是“与…….协调、一致”,所以二者是一致的,并非相互矛盾,因此本题答案为NO。


In the future, those with power are likely to encourage more people to enjoy art.
答案: N

原文: Unfortunately, that may be too much to ask from those who seek to maintain and control the art establishment.

难点: 这里做了一个同义替换 those who seek to maintain and control the art establishment. 等于 those with power
所以直接去找 those with power 有权利的人,在原文中是找不到的。
原文中把those with power 有什么权力? 展开做了一个解释,指的是有权利维护和控制艺术机构的人


第二次做题,16分钟 9/14 https://ieltscat.xdf.cn/practice/result/read/6845/358726A2EA6F9CB3


derelict 被遗弃的
burial urn骨灰瓮
on the rim

teased from嘲笑从
mariners 水手
nagging headwinds恼人的逆风
livestock 家畜

any rigging (牵拉船桅和风帆的)绳索,索具;操纵;营私舞弊
archipelagoes 群岛;列岛;群岛周围的海


The cemetery, which is a significant () was uncovered accidentally by an agricultural worker.
答案:archaeological discovery
定位词:cemetery, significant, uncovered accidentally, agricultural worker

第一段前三句:An important archaeological discovery…has revealed traces of an ancient sea faring people…The site came to light only by chance. An agricultural worker…本题的难点在于答案位置处于上一题之前,出现了乱序。但由于寻找27题时已经阅读过本段前两句,且原文中important与题干中significant, by chance与accidentally替换难度并不大,所以综合难度并不高。


Spriggs believes the burial urn which was found at the site is very important since it confirms that the ()found inside are Lapita.

答案: bones

定位词:since, confirms, found inside, Lapita

第三段第四句:…’for it conclusively identifies the remains as Lapita.’本题的答案与第30题的答案有一定的联系。题干说Spriggs之所以认为这个burial urn很重要,是因为它确认了里面的什么东西是属于Lapita人的

for it conclusively identifies the remains as Lapita

remains = bones


According to the sixth paragraph, what was extraordinary about the Lapita?

答案:A.They sailed beyond the point where land was visible.


What does ‘This’ refer to in the seventh paragraph?
答案:D.the Lapita’s belief they would be able to return home


定位词:’ This ‘, seven paragraph

第七段:’ They could sail out for days into the unknown and assess the area, secure in the knowledge that if they didn’t find anything, they could turn about and catch a swift ride back on the trade winds. This is what would have made the whole thing work. ‘他们可以在未知的地方航行数天,评估该地区,因为他们知道,如果他们没有发现任何东西,他们可以转身乘信风迅速返回。这就是让整个事情运转起来的原因。



It remains unclear why the Lapita halted their expansion across the Pacific.

定位词:remains unclear, why, halted

第十一段:However they did it, the Lapita spread themselves a third of the way across the Pacific, then called it quits for reasons known only to them.本题主要考查考生对halt (表示“停止”)这个单词的认知和call it quits (也表示“停止”)这个固定搭配的理解,二者都是在说Lapita人停止探索的原因未知,是同义表述,因此答案为YES。