

正确率 11/13

Repatriation - 遣返 / 归还故乡
Yacht - 游艇
Treacherous - 危险的 / 奸险的
Environmentalist - 环保主义者
Liaison - 联络 / 联络员

Treacherous“ 和 “dangerous“ 都表示某事物有风险,但它们的含义和语气略有不同:

  1. Dangerous(危险的)是一个较为普遍的词,指某事物可能对生命、身体或健康造成伤害或威胁。它可以用来描述任何潜在的危害,不一定包含欺骗或隐藏的危险。

    • 例子: The road is dangerous because of the heavy rain. (这条路因为大雨而危险。)
  2. Treacherous(危险的、背信弃义的)通常指某事物不仅危险,而且其危险性是隐藏的、欺骗性的或意外的。它更强调某种不可预测的、可能具有欺诈性质的威胁,常常用来描述带有陷阱或具有隐性危险的情况。

    • 例子: The treacherous cliffs made the hike extremely risky. (那些危险的悬崖让徒步旅行变得极为危险。)

总结来说,dangerous 强调直接的危险,而 treacherous 强调具有欺骗性、隐藏危险或复杂性。



答案: iv. Planning a bigger idea
定位词:planning, bigger idea

For years, repatriation efforts were carried out in small numbers, with the tortoises carried on the backs of men over weeks of long, treacherous hikes along narrow trails. But in November 2010, the environmentalist and Galápagos National Park liaison officer Godfrey Merlin, a visiting private motor yacht captain and a helicopter pilot gathered around a table in a small cafe in Puerto Ayora on the island of Santa Cruz to work out more ambitious reintroduction. The aim was to use a helicopter to move 300 of the breeding centre’s tortoises to various locations close to Sierra Negra.

多年来, repatriation efforts(物种回归努力)以小规模进行,海龟通过人们的背负,在狭窄的山路上进行长时间、艰难的跋涉。然而,在2010年11月,环保主义者兼加拉帕戈斯国家公园联络员戈弗雷·梅林(Godfrey Merlin)、一名私人游艇船长和一名直升机飞行员在圣克鲁斯岛的普埃尔托·阿约拉(Puerto Ayora)一间小咖啡馆里围坐在桌旁,共同商讨更具雄心的物种重引入计划。目标是利用直升机将300只来自繁育中心的海龟转移到靠近西耶拉·内格拉(Sierra Negra)的多个地点。



答案: Carrying out a crefully prepared operation
定位词:carry out, carefully prepared

This unprecedented effort was made possible by the owners of the 67-metre yacht White Cloud, who provided the Galápagos National Park with free use of their helicopter and its experienced pilot, as well as the logistical support of the yacht, its captain and crew. Originally an air ambulance, the yacht’s helicopter has a rear double door and a large internal space that’s well suited for cargo, so a custom crate was designed to hold up to 33 tortoises with a total weight of about 150 kilograms. This weight, together with that of the fuel, pilot and four crew, approached the helicopter’s maximum payload, and there were times when it was clearly right on the edge of the helicopter’s capabilities. During a period of three days, a group of volunteers from the breeding centre worked around the clock to prepare the young tortoises for transport. Meanwhile, park wardens, dropped off ahead of time in remote locations, cleared landing sites within the thick brush, cacti and lava rocks.

这项前所未有的努力得以实现,得益于67米长的游艇《白云号》(White Cloud)的船东,他们为加拉帕戈斯国家公园免费提供了直升机及其经验丰富的飞行员,并且还提供了游艇的后勤支持,包括船长和船员。最初作为空中急救直升机,这架直升机配有后部双开门和宽敞的内部空间,非常适合运输货物。因此,设计了一种定制的箱子,可以容纳最多33只海龟,总重量约为150公斤。这个重量,加上燃料、飞行员和四名机组成员的重量,接近了直升机的最大载重,有时它的负载几乎到了直升机能力的极限。在为期三天的时间里,繁育中心的一组志愿者昼夜不停地工作,准备年轻的海龟进行运输。与此同时,公园的护林员提前被空投到偏远地点,在茂密的灌木丛、仙人掌和火山岩中清理出着陆点。